Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Week of 1/28-2/1 Assignments and Information

For Seventh Graders:

Students will be starting a project on 1/30 for their American Revolution unit that will require them to complete 4 mandatory assignments, along with 5 assignments based on personal interest and choice. Each student was given a folder, with the mandatory assignments included, and there is the information available in the classroom for the choice activities. They will be expected to work on this outside of class time, and we will spend 5 class periods over the next three weeks working on it in class. I am available to assist them during homebase, lunch periods, and with advance planning after school. The project will be due on Thursday February 14th.

For Eighth Graders:
Students are working on a Unit on America as a World Power. They will have a quiz on Friday that covers the readings and worksheets covered this week, including notebook pages 114-127.

For All Students:
Students should be working to maintain their notebooks daily. Their notebooks will be collected prior to February Break, with a date that has yet to be determined. Information will be forthcoming when the date is determined.