Friday, February 1, 2008

All student notebooks are due February 8th.

All students will have a notebook check on Friday February 8th!
Make sure all pages are present,
glued in, and complete in order to receive full credit.

8th Graders will be expected to have pages 113-138 complete. They already have (as of 2/1) through pages 129. The rest will be worked on early next week.

7th Graders will be expected to have pages 129-146 complete. They already have (as of 2/1) through pages 142. The rest will be worked on early next week.

7th Graders should also continue to work on their American Revolution project. They will have work time next week on Tuesday and Wednesday during class, but are expected to be completing parts of it independently. They can also come for extra help during their lunch time any day next week.

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