Friday, March 14, 2008

7th Grade Draft Discussion

7th Grade Discussion--
The "letter" was a simulation!!!

Today with the 7th grade honors students, we presented a simulation where certain honors students were told they had to take a test to determine the fate of the honors program. This was a FAKE SIMULATION that put students in a position of being upset for their "drafted position" in something they didn't believe in. After about 15 minutes, the students were informed that the letter was fake, and this was a lesson designed to get them thinking about the draft in United States history, in a way that put them in the position of someone who lived it.

We wanted to post here that this was strictly a simulation, and designed for instructional purposes only. Students were completly explained this, and in the end enjoyed the discussion and simulation as it did make them experience different feelings and put them in a time of history that they had previously expressed interest in.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you.

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