Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10-14--Last week of the Marking Period

Sorry for the delay in weekly postings. This is the last week of the marking period. Students have been regularly reminded to check for missing or makeup work. All work is due to be handed in prior to Thursday at the latest!

All students are enjoying working with Ms. Pasquarella who is in week 4 of her student teaching. She is a graduate student at the University of Rochester and she has been enjoying the students and their energy. Ask your child about the "bird bag" and what they think of the experience so far.

7th Grade
7th graders are currently looking at Early American Government. Their notebooks are due on Wednesday and I am looking to grade pages 147-175. They started working on collages on the branches of government, and we will be creating a Constitution Tree in the hallway soon. Thursday they will be quizzed on the unit so far. After that we will continue to work on emerging government in the New United States.

8th Grade
8th graders are wrapping up looking at the Jazz Age unit and will be taking a test on Thursday. They created some wonderful bio-poems on artists from the time period. Their notebook is due on Thursday to wrap up the existing marking period. Next up for the 8th graders is to look at the Great Depression, and then World War II.

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