Thursday, May 7, 2009

2008-2009 school year site

PLEASE go to the following site to reach my 2008-2009 blogspot.

Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

8th Grade Blog Project: Great Depression and New Deal

Great Depression and the New Deal
8th graders are working on a unit project which serves as an alternate assessement for this unit instead of a formal test. The project is due on Thursdsay March 27th and can be accessed via the website

Students will respond to three different topics, and submit their response through the blog page using their first name and last initial. Each response will not appear until it has been accepted by Ms. Pasquarella for safety concerns. Students can use their textbooks, notebooks, internet or other book research and have been reminded to do independent and authentic work, as it will be easy to check if they attempt to copy. If they do outside research it should be correctly cited, and can earn them extra credit.

Friday, March 14, 2008

7th Grade Draft Discussion

7th Grade Discussion--
The "letter" was a simulation!!!

Today with the 7th grade honors students, we presented a simulation where certain honors students were told they had to take a test to determine the fate of the honors program. This was a FAKE SIMULATION that put students in a position of being upset for their "drafted position" in something they didn't believe in. After about 15 minutes, the students were informed that the letter was fake, and this was a lesson designed to get them thinking about the draft in United States history, in a way that put them in the position of someone who lived it.

We wanted to post here that this was strictly a simulation, and designed for instructional purposes only. Students were completly explained this, and in the end enjoyed the discussion and simulation as it did make them experience different feelings and put them in a time of history that they had previously expressed interest in.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you.

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10-14--Last week of the Marking Period

Sorry for the delay in weekly postings. This is the last week of the marking period. Students have been regularly reminded to check for missing or makeup work. All work is due to be handed in prior to Thursday at the latest!

All students are enjoying working with Ms. Pasquarella who is in week 4 of her student teaching. She is a graduate student at the University of Rochester and she has been enjoying the students and their energy. Ask your child about the "bird bag" and what they think of the experience so far.

7th Grade
7th graders are currently looking at Early American Government. Their notebooks are due on Wednesday and I am looking to grade pages 147-175. They started working on collages on the branches of government, and we will be creating a Constitution Tree in the hallway soon. Thursday they will be quizzed on the unit so far. After that we will continue to work on emerging government in the New United States.

8th Grade
8th graders are wrapping up looking at the Jazz Age unit and will be taking a test on Thursday. They created some wonderful bio-poems on artists from the time period. Their notebook is due on Thursday to wrap up the existing marking period. Next up for the 8th graders is to look at the Great Depression, and then World War II.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Week of 2/11 through 2/15

February Recess is almost here. Students need to try to remain focused for these last few classes before the recess, and complete any assignments they are given. We will reach the mid-way part of the marking period as of Friday, and will be sending home progress report letters for students who may be struggling in any of their core subjects. If you have any specific concerns, please contact any of your scholar's teachers to discuss their porgress so far.

7th Grade: The 7th graders are working hard to finish up their Contract Project on the American Revolution. They have asked for a change to their due date, and after thinking and discussing it with them, a compromise has been reached. The project will now be due on Friday, February 15th, at the end of their class period. They can, of course, hand it in early. We will spend class time on Thursday and Friday both finishing up any last minute work. The project will be serving as the final unit assessment on the American Revolution. Please remind them that they were to complete the 4 mandatory pieces (DBQ, Vocabulary, Guided Readings, and Biography chart) along with any 5 choice activities. All activities will be due to me by the end of Friday's class. They can still continue to come for extra help during homebase, lunch, or after school Tuesday or Thursday (as long as they have a means of getting home.) Please let me know if you have any questions regarding their work.

8th Grade: The 8th graders are continueing to work through the unit on World War I. Having completed some short reading reviews as homeworks, we are working towards watching All Quiet on the Western Front to show the strategies and tactics of war, and some of the human side of the interaction. They will be doing in class assignments on the movie, and will use the visuals and information to prepare for a unit test that will be given after February Recess.

Reminder about Notebooks. All student notebooks were due on Friday 2/8. If students did not hand them in, it negatively impacted their grade as their notebook makes up 20% of their overall grade as explained in September. I will continue to collect them this week, but each day they lose points due to its tardiness. Please double check with your scholar to insure they have fulfilled their obligation to their academics and handed their well organized notebook in.

Friday, February 1, 2008

All student notebooks are due February 8th.

All students will have a notebook check on Friday February 8th!
Make sure all pages are present,
glued in, and complete in order to receive full credit.

8th Graders will be expected to have pages 113-138 complete. They already have (as of 2/1) through pages 129. The rest will be worked on early next week.

7th Graders will be expected to have pages 129-146 complete. They already have (as of 2/1) through pages 142. The rest will be worked on early next week.

7th Graders should also continue to work on their American Revolution project. They will have work time next week on Tuesday and Wednesday during class, but are expected to be completing parts of it independently. They can also come for extra help during their lunch time any day next week.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Week of 1/28-2/1 Assignments and Information

For Seventh Graders:

Students will be starting a project on 1/30 for their American Revolution unit that will require them to complete 4 mandatory assignments, along with 5 assignments based on personal interest and choice. Each student was given a folder, with the mandatory assignments included, and there is the information available in the classroom for the choice activities. They will be expected to work on this outside of class time, and we will spend 5 class periods over the next three weeks working on it in class. I am available to assist them during homebase, lunch periods, and with advance planning after school. The project will be due on Thursday February 14th.

For Eighth Graders:
Students are working on a Unit on America as a World Power. They will have a quiz on Friday that covers the readings and worksheets covered this week, including notebook pages 114-127.

For All Students:
Students should be working to maintain their notebooks daily. Their notebooks will be collected prior to February Break, with a date that has yet to be determined. Information will be forthcoming when the date is determined.